Cultivation areas: Central Macedonia
Cultivation: The largest rice field in Greece is located in the protected area of the Axios Delta National Park - Loudia - Aliakmonas, which also includes the mouth of the French River and the Kalochori Lagoon, the wetland of Nea Agathoupolis and Aliki Kitrous. High quality rice is grown in this area by experienced and passionate producers. The selection of products is done carefully so that we can offer you rice of top quality and high nutritional value.
Characteristics: It is a yellow, long grain vintage rice that has the property of being preserved grainy thanks to the parboiled. During its processing it acquires a yellow color from the outer bark. With the pre-wetting(the method of hydrothermal treatment) the rice grain is immersed in hot water and its steam. The result is the diffusion of all the nutrients inside, which makes it even tastier!
- 375g parboiled rice
- 20g olive oil
- 90g onion, chopped
- 750g chicken broth
- 60g of butter
Heat a saucepan over medium heat and add the olive oil with the onion until softened. Salt it, add the rice and saute for 2-3'. Add the broth, bring the food to a boil and reduce the heat the temperature. Add salt, cover and cook on a very low heat for about 20 minutes, until the broth is absorbed and soften the rice. Remove from heat and leave for 15' covered with the lid. Add the butter and mix very gently with a fork.

Διατροφικά στοιχεία/ Νutritional value/ Nährwert
Aνά 100 γρ./Pro 100g/Je 100g | %GDA 100g | |
Ενέργεια/Energy/Energie | 1481KJ/ 349kca | 18% |
Πρωτεΐνη/Protein/Eiweiß | 7.6g | 15% |
Υδατάνθρακες/Carbohydrates/Kohlenhydrate εκ των οποίων Σάκχαρα/of which Sugars/Davon Zucker | 75g 0,5g | 29% 1% |
Λιπαρά/Fats/Fette εκ των οποίων Kορεσμένα/of which Saturated/Davon Gesättigte | 1,2g 0.3g | 2% 1% |
Oλικές διαιτητικές ίνες/Dietary Fibre/Ballaststoffe | 4g | |
Αλάτι/Salt/Salz | 0.06g | 1% |
Συνιστώμενη Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη θερμίδων και διαθρεπτικών στοιχείων ενός μέσου ενήλικα, υπολογισμένη σε μια δίαιτα 2000 θερμίδων.
Guideline Daily Amount of calories and nutrients calculated for an average adult, on the basis of a 2000 calorie diet.
Richtwert für die Kalorien- und Nährstofftageszufuhr eines durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen auf der Grundlage einer 2000-Kalorien-Diät.