Cultivation areas: Voio Kozani, Grevena
Cultivation: Western Macedonia and specifically the plateau of Voio has a long tradition in lentil cultivation. The experience of the producers, the excellent Greek varieties, the cultivation at an altitude of over 600 meters, the cold winters and the mild, long spring give an excellent product. In the growing area, the soil is rich in potassium, which makes lentils boiled, tasty and fragrant.
Characteristics: Voion small lentils are a combination of the Greek varieties "Samos" and "Dimitra", whose production is perfectly adapted to the Greek and local soil-climatic conditions. They are rich in proteins and minerals, have a small size, light green to cream color on the outside and yellow on the inside and a unique taste. The boiling time required is short and during it pleasant aromas emerge.
Size: 4-6 mm 4-6 mm
The Voion products are produced exclusively by small producers who cultivate the purest products with good agricultural practices.
• 500 gr. lentils
1 onion, finely chopped
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1/2 cup of tea oil
• 1-2 laurel leaves
• salt,pepper
• vinegar
Clean and wash the lentils an then drain them. In a saucepan pour 6 cups of water, lentils, chopped onion and garlic and bay leaves. Let simmer for about half an hour. Add the oil, salt, pepper and a little vinegar. Boil them for another 15 minutes until well combined. Serve by pouring a little vinegar over them. If you want, you can blush them while they are boiling, adding a tablespoon of tomato paste.

Διατροφικά στοιχεία/ Νutritional value/ Nährwert
Aνά 100 γρ./Pro 100g/Je 100g | %GDA 100g | |
Ενέργεια/Energy/Energie | 1625kJ/ 384kca | 19% |
Πρωτεΐνη/Protein/Eiweiß | 25g | 50% |
Υδατάνθρακες/Carbohydrates/Kohlenhydrate εκ των οποίων Σάκχαρα/of which Sugars/Davon Zucker | 63g 2g | 24% 2% |
Λιπαρά/Fats/Fette εκ των οποίων Kορεσμένα/of which Saturated/Davon Gesättigte | 1,1g 0.2g | 2% 1% |
Oλικές διαιτητικές ίνες/Dietary Fibre/Ballaststoffe | 11g | |
Αλάτι/Salt/Salz | 0.01g | 0% |
Σίδηρος | 6.9mg | 49,1% |
Σίδηρος/Iron/Eisen | 6.5mg | 47% |
Συνιστώμενη Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη θερμίδων και διαθρεπτικών στοιχείων ενός μέσου ενήλικα, υπολογισμένη σε μια δίαιτα 2000 θερμίδων.
Guideline Daily Amount of calories and nutrients calculated for an average adult, on the basis of a 2000 calorie diet.
Richtwert für die Kalorien- und Nährstofftageszufuhr eines durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen auf der Grundlage einer 2000-Kalorien-Diät.