Cultivation areas: Grevena, Kozani, Central Macedonia.
Cultivation: The areas where the thick chickpeas are grown have the ideal climatic conditions, with hot days and cool nights, for the production of excellent quality products.
Characteristics: This variety of chickpeas is called "la macarena" and is the finest variety. Its special feature is the large size of chickpeas, which are rich in fiber and amino acids that the human body needs, such as methionine. The short cooking time, the special taste and the unique natural aromas make them an ideal choice for delicious soups. mm

The Voion products are produced exclusively by small producers who cultivate the purest products with good agricultural practices.
- 500g chickpeas
- 1 cup oil
- 1 large onion thinly sliced
- 1 tablespoon of flour
- Salt / Pepper
- •juice of 1 lemon
Boil the chickpeas in water from the night before. The next day, drain them, mix them and leave them for an hour. Then wash the chickpeas very well, put them in a pot and cover them with enough water. As soon as the boiling starts, we remove the foams and add the onion, the salt the oil and pepper and let it simmer. Just before turning off the heat, pour the flour into the pot after dissolving it in lemon juice. Let the chickpeas boil again until they are well mashed and serve.

Διατροφικά στοιχεία/ Νutritional value/ Nährwert
Aνά 100 γρ./Pro 100g/Je 100g | %GDA 100g | |
Ενέργεια/Energy/Energie | 1462kJ/ 349kca | 17% |
Πρωτεΐνη/Protein/Eiweiß | 21g | 42% |
Υδατάνθρακες/Carbohydrates/Kohlenhydrate εκ των οποίων Σάκχαρα/of which Sugars/Davon Zucker | 63g 5g | 24% 6% |
Λιπαρά/Fats/Fette εκ των οποίων Kορεσμένα/of which Saturated/Davon Gesättigte | 4,9g 0.6g | 7% 3% |
Oλικές διαιτητικές ίνες/Dietary Fibre/Ballaststoffe | 13g | |
Αλάτι/Salt/Salz | 0.01g | 0% |
Σίδηρος/Iron/Eisen | 3.8mg | 27% |
Φώσφορος/Phosphorus/Phosphor | 143mg | 20% |
Συνιστώμενη Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη θερμίδων και διαθρεπτικών στοιχείων ενός μέσου ενήλικα, υπολογισμένη σε μια δίαιτα 2000 θερμίδων.
Guideline Daily Amount of calories and nutrients calculated for an average adult, on the basis of a 2000 calorie diet.
Richtwert für die Kalorien- und Nährstofftageszufuhr eines durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen auf der Grundlage einer 2000-Kalorien-Diät.