Cultivation areas: Preveza
Cultivation: It has been cultivated by producers in Kanalaki, Preveza for many years, in places with high humidity. The name "Vanilla" was given by the growers themselves to emphasize the white color and the particularly sweet taste of the product that looks like vanilla.
Characteristics: Its sweet taste, short cooking time, soft flesh differentiate it from other beans and make it sought after in the market.

The Voion products are produced exclusively by small producers who cultivate the purest products with good agricultural practices.
- 500 gr. vanilla beans
- 1 pc. green pepper
- 1 pc. Red pepper
- 2 pcs. carrots
- 4 pcs. onions
- 1/2 bunch of dill
- 1/2 bunch of parsley
- 1 cup of oil
- 1 pc. lemon
Boil the beans for about 60 minutes (we add the salt in the last 5 minutes).Then strain them and put them in a salad bowl.Cut the peppers, carrots and onions into small pieces. Chopped parsley and dill. At the end, add all the above together with the oil and lemon to the salad bowl and mix them.

Διατροφικά στοιχεία/ Νutritional value/ Nährwert
Aνά 100 γρ./Pro 100g/Je 100g | %GDA 100g | |
Ενέργεια/Energy/Energie | 1321J/ 315kca | 18,2% |
Πρωτεΐνη/Protein/Eiweiß | 22g | 42% |
Υδατάνθρακες/Carbohydrates/Kohlenhydrate εκ των οποίων Σάκχαρα/of which Sugars/Davon Zucker | 38g 3g | 21,1% 2,7% |
Λιπαρά/Fats/Fette εκ των οποίων Kορεσμένα/of which Saturated/Davon Gesättigte | 2.5g 0,4g | 1,5% 1,5% |
Oλικές διαιτητικές ίνες/Dietary Fibre/Ballaststoffe | 22g | |
Σίδηρος/Iron/Eisen | 7mg | 44,8% |
Συνιστώμενη Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη θερμίδων και διαθρεπτικών στοιχείων ενός μέσου ενήλικα, υπολογισμένη σε μια δίαιτα 2000 θερμίδων.
Guideline Daily Amount of calories and nutrients calculated for an average adult, on the basis of a 2000 calorie diet.
Richtwert für die Kalorien- und Nährstofftageszufuhr eines durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen auf der Grundlage einer 2000-Kalorien-Diät.